When you are feeling like you are not doing well, not making progress, not good enough, strong enough or happy enough, consider this. We spend so much time either comparing ourselves and our lives to someone else’s or we judge ourselves against someone else’s expectations, or we expect way too much of ourselves!
That’ s a sure recipe for making yourself miserable. Your life is your life, you should only compare your results and progress with your own results and progress. You don’t know how or why someone else is managing to achieve what the are achieving, so don’t get caught up in that form of measurement. Compare yourself to yourself. What do you really want to achieve for you and are you making progress on that.
The other thing is, be careful of the judgements you make of yourself, sure you might make mistakes (we all do and we all should to get ahead) but never forget that you are capable of turning things around, fixing things up and making things better, one step at a time. So make comparisons carefully, judge softly and you will be a hell of a lot happier 🙂
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