The power of your brain to change the game is simply incredible. Developing a mindset that supports your desire to achieve your goals is far easier than you think. Give me a person who thinks they can over a person who hopes they can any day of the week. A positive, possibility mindset is a […]
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Getting ahead
We are almost half way through yet another year. What have you done? What have you achieved? What progress have you made? Here is the BIG question – is what you are doing taking you a step closer to the lifestyle, income, relationship or person you ultimately want to be? Now, the reality is most […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #48 – Kick start your day!
Give yourself the best possible chance of Playing a Bigger Game by starting the day strong. How you setup for success is as important as what you do to create success. Get yourself in the game from the get go! You cannot win if you’re sitting on the sidelines.

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #47 – Toughen Up!
In a world gone soft, its the people with a little GRIT that end up being successful. Its the people that stick at their hopes and dreams when others give up that live a life of freedom and fulfillment.

The art of making progress!
Are you making progress? We are almost half way through another year. Can you honestly say that it’s looking better than last year. If you compare where you are now to where you were three years ago, would you say that you’re getting ahead. Making progress is my obsession. I am constantly doing the comparisons […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #46 – Interview with 4 time Olympian – Dan Collins
Great interview with Dan Collins. Find out how he made a mess of his Olympic debut, and rather than throw in the towel, he decided to play a bigger game and went on to compete at 3 more Olympic games, winning Olympic medals in the process!

Overwhelmed and under achieving?
I am amazed by how many motivational experts, speakers and leaders recommend people chasing after “huge” goals, taking “massive” leaps and going after “big hairy audacious goals”. I don’t believe this is a great idea (it works for maybe 1% of the population). For everyone else it just scares the beegeez out of them. […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #45 – How excited or exciting are you?
If you want to live a life full of energy, vitality and purpose, you need to take stock of how you show up. You cannot be boring, bland and vanilla and expect to live the most interesting engaging and fulfilling life. You need to get in the game, really into the game and play all […]

Interested or committed?
Are you interested or committed? Do you or your organisation have goals, dreams, targets, visions, desires, hopes, aspirations and objectives? I bet you do. I listen to people talk about their hopes and dreams all the time and it is easy to tell if they are interested (in other words sitting on the sidelines, watching […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #44 – Another lap around the sun!
Milestones are a great opportunity to evaluate how you are going in the great game of life. Its an opportunity to reset your motivation levels and set yourself up to Play a Bigger Game in the future.