I have had the privilege of working with thousands of people across the globe, helping them ‘Play a Bigger Game’ by smashing their goals. It’s fun, it’s rewarding, it’s exciting and I absolutely love it. Part of the reason I love it is I also get an insight to what stops people getting things done […]
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Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #43 – Interview with the author of Switch Off – Angela lockwood
Success is about getting in the game, going flat out, giving it all you have got, while chasing down your hopes and dreams. Its also about managing your downtime really carefully. In her new book, Angela Lockwood explains how to Switch Off for even greater success!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #42 – Where have you been?
If the outside world is moving ahead faster than your inside world, you are going backwards. There is no such thing as a comfort zone that stays the same (unless you’re in a nursing home. So get comfortable with change, make consistent change your comfort zone. Embrace it, look for it, adapt to it!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #41 – Hello – whats your song?
Songs, dance and rhythm have been a part of the human psyche since the beginning of time. So it is no surprise that most of the significant and important moments in our lives are tied to music. If you had to create a playlist for your life, what songs would feature in it? If you […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #40 – One thought away from better!
Your brain is the most important tool you have to help you Play a Bigger Game. When you control whats going on in your head, you control your behaviours which in turn control your actions. Its your actions that make your bigger game happen but its your thoughts that start the ball rolling. Change your […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #39 – Is that your best effort?
Why do we play small? We put different efforts into different things. Not because we do not have the abilt ty to give it 100%, because we choose not to. It doesn’t make sense!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #38 – I’m stupid, dumb or both!
Routine can be a good thing, but when doing the same old, same old in the same way for some time, you can become blind to whats really happening!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #37 – I want to be like Richie Rich!
Its vital that you have dreams about your future, It’s your dreams that drag you into the future, sometimes kicking and screaming, but with no dreams you are going nowhere!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #36 – Daniel Flynn, founder of THANK YOU – Dare to Dream!
One of the most enjoyable podcasts I have ever done. Daniel’s story about how he built one of Australias most wonderful charities from the ground up (and all the struggles that go with that) is simply fantastic!