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Great leaders create calm from chaos!
Some of the prime roles of a leader is to ensure confidence, keep people calm and provide clear direction in times of crisis. Great leaders don’t let the people get panicked because it leads to chaos, confusion and all sorts of trouble. Great leaders don’t let people get panicked! Shaquille O’Neal the famous basketballer said […]

Why do the wheels of equality turn so slowly? – International Women’s Day
It has taken humankind centuries to make any progress on equality, black people were kept in the vile constraints of slavery, Indians forced onto reservations, aboriginals stripped of their lands and children, Chinese and others treated as second class citizens, women being unable to vote, gays denied the recognition of being equally human and […]

Elevate Mentoring Program
ELEVATE MENTORING Private Master Mentoring for Business Leaders that Drives Extraordinary Results This 12 month EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS group mentoring program is for 8-10 participants only. Its for organisations that want extraordinary results fast and existing and future leaders that want to Play a Bigger Game and fast track their leadership, business, and personal growth. The […]

ScoMo’s leadership levels take a downturn. What has gone wrong and what should he have done differently?
ScoMo’s leadership levels take a downturn. What has gone wrong and what should he have done differently? There are times when leaders can lead without being seen but there are times when leaders need to be seen to be leading. Scott Morrison has missed an opportunity to be seen to lead in relation to […]