Insiders, Outsiders, Outliers and Misfits Belonging is one of the 4 great human drives, understanding how you do or don’t belong makes leadership, business, and life so much easier We all want to “belong” to something, it’s one of our great internal drivers (the other 3 are the drive to comprehend, the drive to acquire, […]
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The art of conversation
The art of Conversation Average art, leaves the viewer with no emotional reaction, its boring, neither pleasant or unpleasant. They say that great art has one of two reactions. People either love it or they hate it and they are able to tell you exactly why. It creates a conversation. These conversations are not about […]
Peak Celebration
PEAK CELEBRATION How do you celebrate your achievements, your successes, your progress, overcoming obstacles, dealing with challenges and difficulties? Its important that we mark these milestones so they become imbedded in our minds as significant and mark the growth that we have made. When you climb the highest free standing mountain in the world, Mt […]

The ONE THING you must have have to achieve remarkable results Having worked with thousands of organisations, teams, leaders and individuals over the last 30 years, I have discovered that when it comes to achieving remarkable results, there is ONE KEY THING missing from the process that causes people to fail or fall short. You […]

Who are the successful world leaders during the pandemic?
Who are the successful world leaders during the pandemic? Some world leaders have really shown their strengths during this pandemic. They have been decisive, acted quickly and have been more concerned about peoples safety than political results. On the other hand some have been full of bluster and bravado. Offering very little in the way […]

Now is your greatest opportunity for reinvention
Now is your greatest opportunity for reinvention Former US President, John F Kennedy, famously said: “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger: the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger, but recognise the opportunity.” The opportunity to reset, review and start […]
Videos on Leadership
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7 Ways to win the recovery
7 Ways to win the recovery Everyone is talking about recovery and most leaders are hoping it’s real. The really clever leaders are getting ready to go at it full on, no holds barred because it represents the greatest opportunity of their lifetime. Here’s how you can too. 1. Lead the shift in mindset Let […]
Virtual Presentations and Workshops
Virtual Presentations and Workshops With the shift to virtual presentations, I have set up a custom-designed studio with multiple cameras, professional lighting, sound, and audio with multiple screens flip charts, and A/V desk to bring you the most engaging virtual presentations possible. I have conducted virtual presentations for over 4000 people across the globe in […]
Here to Help – Rowdy McLean
I’m here to help you play a bigger game in Leadership, Motivation and Change! If you want to be a better leader, understand what motivates you and others and explore the drivers of sustainable successful change, you are in the right place. Below you will find my recent videos, webinars and weekly wisdom that will […]