Defining your core beliefs shapes how you think and behave. Looking for evidence that your core beliefs are true builds confidence in how you show up.
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Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #35 – Creating Core Beliefs
Defining your core beliefs shapes how you think and behave. Looking for evidence that your core beliefs are true builds confidence in how you show up.

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #34 – How will you PLAY today?
What is Play a Bigger Game? How do you make each of the elements work for you so that you achieve more, be more, do more and have more, this year, than you ever thought possible. Short, sharp and to the point, this episode will help YOU get your game on!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #33 – CEO of the year! Tricia Velthuizen
Tricia Velthuizen is one of the most inspiring and amazing people I have ever met! Tricia is an extremely humble human being, grounded, caring, practical and pragmatic. Playing a bigger game is her default mode in life. She has achieved some incredible things and has some more amazing things on the horizon. Her story is […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #32 – Don’t let the dreamstealers rule!
There are two types of people in the world. People that lift you up and people that drag you down. You get to choose which ones you hang out with and more importantly, which one you become!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #31 – Someone stole my bike!
How do you react when something unpleasant happens? Can you find a way to bounce back or more importantly bounce forward? Do you wallow in your own little pity party and take it out on everyone else? Choosing your reaction is a learned skill, when you develop this skill, the game changes!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #30 – Its NOT all about you!
Playing a bigger game is not necessarily about what you need to do for you! Sometimes you can play a bigger game by lifting someone else up, helping someone else out, giving something of yourself to someone else so that there world is a bit brighter, a bit easier, a bit more fun.

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #29 – Twice as good!
Getting better or making progress is not always about doing more. Today we talk about a great way to Play a Bigger Game without adding more stuff to your world. Simple but really effective!

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #28 – Golf is a great metaphor for life – with Peter Clark
If you had to give yourself a score in the game of life, would it be better this year than last year? Have you made improvements? Have you got a clear strategy to play the game of life better? A great discussion with golf coach Peter Clark on how you can use the same strategies […]

Play a Bigger Game Podcast – episode #27 – Do the work!
Sometimes we have to be reminded of what we already know. Knowing what to do is not the key, doing it is!