Why would someone want two dogs? Twice the trouble and effort right?
That’s the question I asked the love of my life when she suggested we get a new puppy to add to the 6-month-old we already had.
Puppies are mischievous, messy, and a lot of hard work! And two would be double the trouble.
Turns out, that’s not true. Mentoring makes all the difference!
You see the first puppy quickly teaches the new puppy all the tricks, how to walk on a lead, how to chase the ball, how to sit, stay and come when called and where to pee and what to chew and not chew.
So the second puppy has been a breeze because she was mentored by the first puppy and learned everything so much faster and so much easier.
PLUS they entertain each other, so they need nowhere near as much attention.
PLUS they are double the fun.
Mentoring does that for business owners and leaders. You learn 5 times as fast, get to hang out with other cool leaders and owners PLUS it makes growth, development, and success FUN!
The act of mentoring stretches back thousands of years. In Ancient Greece for example, Socrates mentored Plato, who later mentored Aristotle. In more recent times, mentors include those change-makers such as Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey, and Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg.
The path to rapid results is to align yourself with someone who has already done, what you want to do. Someone who has made the mistakes, learnt the lessons and made a success of it.
A mentor gives you the confidence and courage to chase down all your hopes and dreams.
They hold the space for the best version of the future you and then help you step into it, fast.
Want to join our next Remarkable Results Master Mentoring Program?
Email me the word “FUN” at rowdy@playabiggergame.com.au and I’ll send you the details
Play BIG!
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